Sunday, July 31, 2011


Lately I have said an abbreviated version on several pages, but this is an expanded version of my feelings as we come to understandthe language of love...

Namaste! Mitakuye Oyasin! We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. No matter how we say it, what language we speak, what race we are, we are ALL one spirit. We are like individual drops of water that when we hit the Great Body of water become one with it. Once we all realize this than the only language, the only race, the only spirit will be that of LOVE!!

An ancient new language is coming into being and it is the language of Love. Seems a paradox to say "ancient and new", but it is. The language has always been there. It was the creative force of God that brought everything into existence, but it has been forgotten by most of us. For centuries we have just tapped the tip of this language... not quite getting it, but the time is coming where we will all finally understand it. As 1 Corinthian 13:12 says, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
We are like a child who, only knew the printed letters and would look at cursive in wonder and confusion, but when we learned cursive it opened up to us a whole new way to write and read.

Jesus, the Buddha, and many great teachers tried to teach us this language and only few have understood, but now as the age of enlightenment is truly upon us more and more are becoming aware. Those weird symbols in cursive were always the same language.

It is my belief we will learn and like that child struggling to understand cursive, I WANT to learn.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today I feel like a wild animal in a cage. It's cloudy and overcast and I can't seem to sit still. I pace back and forth wondering what to do. It is too silent and I have had little communication or connection. I went to the coffee shop this morning... the little communication I have is with the older men who have befriended me.

It's funny that the old men are really the only ones who have made any attempt to converse with me and in some ways that is nice, but I long for more. I am lonely. Hopefully I will get a job and connect with some other people.
I am a social animal. This cage does not suit me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Autumn Haiku

It is crisp fall day.
The sun is inviting me
to come out and play.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Start Blogging

It's weird how when I am active; riding my bike, driving a car, walking, etc. I find my brain creating thoughts that seem to be worth writing down, but as soon as I get to the place where I can write, it's gone.
It's as though the only way that I can create is when I am active. When I sit.... it stops!!!

So I am just going to start writing; stories, anecdotes, descriptions, visualizations. I just have to do it!!